Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas 2009

We had a wonderful Christmas, and I hope everyone else did also!
The kids got up around 8am and we went down stairs. Jack wasn't really too sure what to think. He just wanted everything out of the boxes so he could play with it. His favorite was probably his Buzz Lightyear and Woody. I think Sam was very happy with what Santa left for her, a nano and Julie american girl doll. My mom made us some awesome ornaments, and some throw pillows. Around 10:30 am my h's mom came over and we cooked breakfast. Then we opened gifts from her. Samantha loved the portable dvd player she got, she was so upset it didn't work, I had to ship it back. Then we cleaned up.... well tried to at least. The house still isn't clean. The we took Jack to his first movie (Alvin & the Chipmunks, The Squeakquel) at the theaters. He lasted about 45 min. then we had to leave. He will probably do better in another year. Then we came home and Jeff cooked us a wonderful Christmas dinner.

On Christmas Eve, we go to my h's grandmother's house and eat and open gifts there. Then we go to my h's dad's house and open gifts there. Jack got a basketball hoop and that talking truck that dances it is so cute his name is Rocky. Sam got a purse and gift cards. We got home around 9 pm put out the milk & cookies for Santa and the kids went to bed.

Saturday, December 19, 2009


Yes, I did type the word SNOW! We are getting Snow! It is so wonderful to see the white stuff so close to Christmas! I hope it snows all night long and we wake up to a few feet! I can wish... right?
I did start my baking, I have done chocolate chip and peanut butter kiss cookies. I still want to make gingerbread and sugar.
Jack was so funny we where getting ready to leave to go eat dinner and he asked for a cookie. I told him after dinner he could have one. I went into the garage and came back and he had got his stool and was getting a cookie off the counter. He really wanted a cookie!
Our outside heat pump is frozen, so we have no heat! I hope it doesn't get too cold tonight.
We all have 4 blankets on our beds.

Friday, December 18, 2009


I can't believe it is Friday, This week flew by. I still haven't done any baking. Maybe this weekend. We are going to get snow they say... I won't hold my breath, but I will cross my fingers!
Jack didn't want to go to sleep last night until after 10pm. So he is taking a nap. I think he really needs a nap, but it seems like I have so much to try and do in a day. We took the dog to the vet this am and waited for an hour before we saw the Dr. at least he didn't charge me for the office visit, all I had to pay for was the shot and his special dog food. It was so funny, in the waiting room there were 3 black pugs, Jack said look at the cats. I said Jack I don't see any cats in this room. It was so funny, I said those are dogs! =)
I got my hair trimmed yesterday, ahhhh, I love it, my hair is just too thick to let it get too long.
Sam didn't go to school yesterday b/c when we got there they had the fire dept. and they were sending all the kids to the primary school. I said forget that and just brought her home. There was some kind of unidentified odor.
I need to clean up a little before it is time to go get Sam.

Happy Friday to all!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Ready for Christmas

I am all ready for Christmas! Well, pretty much, just need to get a couple little things.
I did make another trip to Toys R' Us today, I have enough I need to stop but I had to go get Jack a Buzz Lightyear. He loves the Toy Story movies! He is a such a great age!
Jack did sit on Santa's lap, with sissy. I didn't think that was going to happen, it was a nice surprise!

Before he got on his lap and was checking him out from a far. He screamed to Santa "I NEED CARS". It was so cute, It was one of those moments I wish I would have had a video camera.
I was really surprised that Santa doesn't give out candy canes anymore. That is what I always remembered getting as a child. I was also a little sad when I heard that the post offices weren't taking Santa letters this year. They have been doing it every year since 1912.

But on a happy note our tree is up, the stockings are hung, and I think, I hope it will stay cold outside. The day before yesterday we had our air on. When we put up the tree, yep we had our air on. It is hard to get in the Christmas mood when it is 70 outside.
The dog got a bath today, he is having his itching issues, he goes to the vet on Friday. I am trying to get the vet just to give him a cortisone shot every 6 weeks or so.
Sam hasn't gone to school the last 2 days, she has just been under the weather. It is hard to make her go to school this time of year. She just got a new teacher, b/c her teacher has left on maternity leave.
I am enjoying getting Christmas cards everyday now! I still need to figure out what Christmas cookies I am going to make.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Happy Dec. 1st

It is here, I knew it would come before I knew it.
We have almost all our shopping done, just a few small things left on our lists. I have started wrapping today. Trying to get my packages ready to mail. I am hoping to get them out this week but, I don't think it will happen.
My H is leaving on Thursday to go to TN, with his dad. I hope to get up all the Christmas decor while he is gone.
Jack is still loving his cars, today when we went to get Sam at school he had to bring all of them in this small backpack. It was so heavy it weighed as much as him. I kept thinking he was going to fall over.
I got a used dinning room table from my mother in law. I was so happy she gave it to us. It gives us so much more room!
Sam has to get her allergy shots today, the doctors office has moved. I just hope J is a good boy. He won't take a nap these days. I know he is tired. And I know I could get so much more done if he would take a nap.
I hope everyone has a good week!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Can't believe it is almost Turkey Day!

We survived the NorEaster, I have never seen so much water. It just sat over us and wouldn't move. Our backyard was a lake!

I can't believe it is almost Thanksgiving. This month has flown by! We have been busy with Dr appt.. Jack has been very fussy since I got home last weekend from my shopping trip to Delaware. Friday I took him to the dr. she said his ear was red... I don't really know what that means but she put him on an antibiotic, and he also got the H1N1 shot while we were there, that made him really mad. Yesterday he had his appt with the ENT, to check his tubes, they are still in.

Sam had a book report due today, so we have been working on that, she did a great job!
We have been busy shopping for Christmas we are almost done just a few people left! I have never been this ahead of the game! I am feeling so good about it! I am going to try and get the kids pictures done soon and my Christmas cards.

The weather has been crazy, hot.... cold, hot.... cold, I am ready for COLD!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Nov. 10, 2009

This week is a crazy week, we have a lot going on. Sam was out of school today and Tomorrow. She is having a friend sleepover. Jack wouldn't take a nap today, so he went to bed early. He thought Sam's friend was here to play with him!
Jack has been so funny, when you say something he doesn't want to hear, he will say; "What I can't hear you." He still says but for button. That was making Sam and her friend crack up.
Last night I said Jack it is time for bed. He said, "NO, I need to play cars!" I said, nope. It's time to go get into the bath." He said "NO." Then of course I say, "excuse me?" So then every time I said something to him he would say EXCUSE ME.
I have started to think about Christmas, I know it would be here before I know it. So there is a consignment shop that opened just down the street. So I have been taking things in there that Jack doesn't need anymore, and I just keep it as store credit. I have found lots of Gymboree clothes with tags still on for Jack. I snatched this up for him for Christmas. So I got it for FREE! I know if he doesn't play with it Sam will. I remember being a kid and always wanting a kitchen with a fridge.

I have been busy, making things. I made a wreath for our front door. It only cost me $4.00. my H took Jack and gathered all the acorns! He had a blast! He would say this one has a hat on, this one doesn't have a hat. It was cute!

I thought it turned out great!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Nov. 4, 2009

Yesterday it was so funny Jack said I need to get on the computer with Grandma. I said go ahead and call her and ask her. So I handed him the phone and he asked her to get on the computer and she of course said yes. He was so funny showing her his toys. He told me to put Grandma down. He was talking about putting the laptop on the floor.

Sam took her violin test today and passed so she got to move on and she is now allowed to use the bow! Very exciting.... 2 months into school and she is finally allowed to use the bow. I just laugh.

My hubby is home, to the wild house. He got Jack a new car set and Jack is loving it!
We are so glad he is back, we missed him tons!

I need to think about birthday's this month, there are lots! I know this month is going to go fast! So I am going to try and say on it!

My dear sister said my slippers have been put in the mail, oh I hope I get them soon... I miss them lots! Thanks so much Sis for fixing them, you rock!

Happy Wednesday to all!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween Fun!

Jack the Jack o Lantern, Samantha was Nacy Drew, and Scooby was Bat DOG!
Jack was upset because he didn't want to sit down and get his picture taken.

We had a great Halloween, Ma-maw (Brenda) came over and I cooked Ranch Chicken and Samantha's friend came over and we went out to teach Jack how Trick or Treating works! He was very scared at first but after a while he got the hang of it. At the last few houses he was in front of the girls to get his candy. If the people put out their bowl he would just keep grabbing candy until I would have to say NO MORE! He would also forget to say trick or treat, but he always said thank you. It was so much fun to watch him!
It was very Humid and hot, poor Jack was sweating in his costume, but he didn't care he was having so much fun, by the time we were almost done he was dragging his pumpkin candy holder on the ground it was too heavy for him, but he wouldn't let us help him.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Oct. 29, 2009

Thursday, I keep thinking today is Friday! I guess I am just ready for Halloween, along with all the kids!
Today, I am cleaning up, just seems it can never be all done. My parents in CO are getting a ton of snow. Their first big one!
I saw a quote the other day I thought was so great!

"Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing up is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing." ---Phyllis Diller

I am missing my hubby, and my slippers. Two things that keep me warm. I sent my slippers back to my sister to fix them for me. I hope she will hurry, and make them extra strong so I don't ever have to be without them again. At least it isn't snowing here or I would really be missing them! On Halloween it is going to be almost 80! YUCK!
I better get back to cleaning.....
I hope everyone has a great Thursday!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Oct 26, 2009

Today my H was off of work. We went pumpkin' hunting after Sam got out of school. She had a good day she said, She did get the H1N1 shot today at school. She and Jack get the regular flu shot tomorrow. Then on Wed. she has her 2 allergy shots. Poor Girl!

It was a nice fall day here today. Oh I loved it... the trees are starting to change and the crisp in the air.
Jack enjoyed the pumpkin hunting, but he really enjoyed watching the jets fly over every few minutes and they are so loud he would run to who ever was closest to him and after they would pass he would say, "scary... but I like it! " It was so funny. Then he would say oh here comes another one! He kept talking to the pumpkin guy and the poor guy had no idea what he was saying. Jack had to have all the pumpkins lined up, just like he does his cars.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Friday, Oct. 16, 2009

Today at school Samantha found out if she won President! The whole school voted on Thursday. She had to be to school early today because they were going to announce it first thing. So when I picked her up this afternoon she said she didn't win. =( I guess there was 8-10 kids from every class that ran for President. With 9 classes that is a lot of kids!

Tonight my H surprised us! He called around noon and said he would be really busy all day, and then was going out to dinner with all the guys from work. So he wouldn't be able to call me until later. So around 7:30 I was giving Jack his bath, and the bathroom door opened as it always does and I thought it was Sam, but this time Jack was looking at the door funny, I thought ok that's not Sam she would be talking by now. So I turn around and it was my Hubby! It was such a nice surprise! Jack was so excited he said "DADDY HOME"

Monday, October 12, 2009

Monday Oct. 12, 2009

This weekend we didn't do much. We went to the mall, I had a coupon I needed to use, for Jack. My H's mom came with us. She took Sam school shopping b/c she told her she would a while ago. Sam got some skinny jeans, I am not sure if I like them, but she loves them.
Jack is feeling better. He is loving his cars still and would rather play cars than sit down and eat. And doesn't understand why Sam and I would want to sit and eat a meal and not play cars.
I did also do some decorating a bit. I got all my ideas from JUST A GIRL, I love her blog.

Tonight the dog drooled, and a few minutes later I looked at J and he had his lips on the floor, I asked him what he was doing and he answered.... I just drooled like the dog did. hahaa

I painted Sam's nails, she is running for President at school, along with every other kid. She has to do a speech on Thursday on the TV. I went into the school with her this morning to hang up her posters.
Sam also is practicing her Violin, they haven't learned to use the bow yet! She can't wait. She was playing with a CD and it sounded very good! I am so EXCITED! She was excited when she heard they were going to play with the High Schoolers. If that would have been me I would have not been happy to hear that at all.

Friday, October 9, 2009


I can't stop thinking about the sadness. My Best Friend, lost her mother on Wednesday. I have such a heavy heart with sadness. She is very strong just like her mother was. So I know she will be fine. But I cannot imagine loosing my mother, they are the one person who is always on your side, and there to help you with everything.
My thoughts and prayers are with her and her family during this difficult time.
Although it’s difficult today to see beyond the sorrow,
May looking back in memory help comfort you tomorrow.
~Author Unknown

My neighbor also lost her fight with cancer on Wednesday. So my thoughts and prayers are with her husband and family.

Inside my house, Jack is still fighting his cold. But I know he is doing ok. He is acting just like a 2 year old. We are all missing my H alot. Jack keeps asking "Daddy home?"
Samantha didn't have such a good week school wise, she had and E grade (that is an F) and she kept it from me for a week! Then she took another test on Thursday and got a D. So her bedtime has been moved up. She is realizing she needs to work harder! ( I HOPE)

I hope everyone has a great weekend. We are going to put up Halloween decor.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Monday Oct 5, 2009

Today I took Jack to the doctor, he has been so fussy all weekend. They tested him for strep, but came back negative. He was wheezing so the doctor gave him an inhaler. Right now he is sleeping!
He hasn't sleept the last 2 nights, so neither have I! I am going to take a nap hopefully! Sam woke up with her nose running. I guess it's the season! They don't get their flu shots until the end of the month.

Friday we took Sam out of school and went to Busch Gardens. The kids had a blast, the played in the water and got soaked.
Saturday- My father in law and his wife came over and my H cooked on the grill.

Sunday- I cleaned house and my H watched football.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sept. 29, 2009

I am trying to still get caught up on my laundry. I am also working on organizing my stamping stuff, getting rid of what I don't use. I want to buy some new sets! I am tired of looking at the same old ones!
I am listing to Jack talk in his bed. He doesn't seem to want to take naps anymore.
I am going to take Scooby to the vet this afternoon, his ears are so nasty! I don't know what to do with him, he is always scratching.
I am thinking about taking out my Halloween decorations! But I am trying to hold off until Oct. 1.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sunday already?

Bye bye old van.... The dealer removing my tags.

I can't believe it is Sunday already. This weekend flew by.
I will start with Friday. My H was off of work and went and got me a new van! I love Honda! My H got me a silver, 2010 Honda Odyssey, I am loving it and so are the kids! My Chrysler was just starting to have too many issues and it only had 25,000 miles on it. But I don't think any car will ever be as needed as that one was. I will never forget when my H brought it home for us. 2 years ago, with the new baby it was needed! It made everything so much easier.
Saturday we went to my H's dad's house for a BBQ. It was fun and yummy! Jack wasn't very good he wouldn't take a nap before we left.
Today, we went to one of my favorite places for lunch, Wild Wing. Sam and I went to Target! And of course watching football. Well, I'm not but my H is. I tried to clean house and it seemed I would clean one area and then the kids or my H would come in and trash it again so I gave up on it. I will try tomorrow when everyone is at work or school!
I hope everyone has a great Week!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Well, not too much going on here. I am thinking of going to the Dollar store and looking for some fall decorations. I am so happy that tomorrow is the first day of Fall, I am ready. But it is still 80 here.

Samantha has to take her Violin to school tomorrow, for her first class.

Jack is playing with his cars, that is all he wants to do.

My to do list, make Sam allergy shot appt. try and get the house clean, and get all the laundry done.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Baby Jack, not so much a baby.

I think I am slacking on keeping track with Jack these days so I just wanted to jot some things down so I don't forget. He is growing so fast!

1. I love it when he asks me "wanna play cars with me mommy?" (HOW could I SAY NO)

2. Now that we have his costume he will bring it to me and say "Can I put on my pumpkin costume please?"

3. He loves to play with his cars, but is always asking me where one of them is.

4. He likes to scream at the dog and make him jump.

5. He will say he wants to color but will just switch the caps on the markers around.

6. I don't think he ever eats more than 5 bites at a meal.

7. He loves for me to read Blues Clues over and over.

8. He hates to get his hair rinsed in the bathtub.

9. He loves to play with his sister, & she loves to play with him.

10. He loves to call people on my phone, he knows how it works. I am apologizing now if he has called you and hung up. He will call Grandma and say I want to talk to my Daddy.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Sept. 10, 2009

I am so happy tomorrow is Friday and my hubby comes home! Samantha had a good day at school. After school we went to the music store, and got Sam a violin. She doesn't need it until the 23rd but she is so excited, I hope she stays this excited all year!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Wednesday Already?

I can't believe it is Wednesday already. Samantha had a good first day yesterday. Her only homework was to find a graph in a magazine. But they said homework this year should be no more than 50 min. I guess they say it should be 10 min. for each grade. It was a gloomy day all day yesterday, I just wanted to stay in bed all day. But that didn't happen. The dog keeps getting sick he threw up both of his meals yesterday and then again this am. Oh and of course he has to do it on the new rug I just bought last week, can't do it on the hardwood. So I just made him chicken and rice. I hope he can keep that down, and I don't have to take him to the vet.
The sun is shinning today, It is coming threw the window and warming me up, I have been cold all day.
Jack is taking a nap, he is so busy and rough, always going 100 mph. I was able to go in Hallmark and get a few cards for Grandparents day, is on Monday. I don't always remember but when I do I like to send a card for all the grandparents. So I was happy to get that done!
Well, I am going to clean out the car while Jack is sleeping, and maybe do some laundry!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Getting back to a schedule!

Tomorrow is the first day of school. I don't feel ready at all. But it is here if I am ready or not. Samantha is ready, she has a very nice teacher. I just can't believe 5th grade is here already!
My H left today and will be back on Friday. So I get to do the whole first week alone.
I am sure I can handle it, but I am sure it will be crazy in the mornings with Jack.
We had a great trip to Colorado the Family reunion went great the weather was beautiful. It will not be one forgotten for sure with the Polka music. I took over 800 pictures. Now I just need to get them to everyone.
It was so great to see my BFF, I wish I could have hung out more with her. It was great to meet her little cutie pie! She was so nice and quite compared to Jack!
It is always wonderful to see a friend who knows how it was when you were little, and was there with you threw it all.
Sam and I got to see my sisters house, and to meet her huge dog, Vesta! She is just so big,
the photos don't give her size justice at all.

Sam and I also loved the Denver Zoo, it is so nice. The weather was great the day we went.
The Lion really liked Sam, it kept starring at her.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Unpacking and Packing...

Family picture (not many of these)
Kids feeding carp and ducks at dock where we rented the boat.
Sam on the dock. Back side of house.

Well, we are home from our first family trip to Smith Mountain Lake. It was so pretty, the weather was great and didn't get one bug bite!!
The house my H rented was so pretty and huge!
We all had a blast and are ready to go back. I hope next time I don't fall off the jet ski.
I wasn't ready to jump in the lake but when my H took me on the jet ski I never thought we would fall off. We weren't 10 feet from the dock, he started leaning to the left so did I, and next thing I knew he said we are going in the water, and I just remember going under and thinking ok WOW, that wasn't how I wanted to get in the lake! I just headed for the dock and left my H to get the jet ski! I lost a flip flop, but I made my H go out and get it after he brought back the jet ski.
We all loved the boat, Jack really loved it, watching the water.
We had no internet so we were forced to relax. It was great for all of us!

Now time to pack up again for out Colorado Trip! Samantha is so excited to see my parents house for some reason. So that should keep her busy for a while!

Sam on the boat!

Front of house

Sam and I on the boat!