Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sick Boys

                                                    A Picture of the Wood pecker in our backyard.
Well, the boys in the house just can't seem to kick this cold.  Jeff and Jack have had runny noses for a week now and both are coughing and crabby.   I don't think the 94 degree weather here the last 2 days helped any.  Jack & Sam did enjoy playing outside, in the water.  I however didn't enjoy getting bit by a mosquitoes so early in the year!
Today trying to get as much checked off my to do list.  But I would rather go back to bed.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Busy Week...

Well it has been a busy week, seemed to fly by.  Jeff left Sunday to go to WV, Monday, Samantha came home sick from school at noon b/c she got sick in the nurse's office.  Jeff came home on Tuesday.  Witch is also when Jack started to get a runny nose.  Of course the day before his surgery.  So Wednesday, he couldn't eat anything but he could have liquids until 10am.  We had to be a the surgery center at 1:10pm and his surgery was scheduled for 2:40pm.  When we got there we waited and waited.  Then we went back and they took his vital signs and gave him some motrin, and sent us back to the waiting room.  Then at 2:30 they called him, and they took him back and of course he was screaming!  Took about 10 min. and the Dr. came out and said everything went fine.  So then we had to wait for the nurse to come get us, about 5 min. and when we were walking back to see him we could hear him SCREAMING!  We got to him and he was on his stomach (that's how he sleeps) and he was screaming so much and the nurse said that the gas that they gave him to put him to sleep would make really fussy.  (she wasn't lying)  I held him and usually he stops crying anytime if I pick him up.  We had to sit in there for about 15 min before we could go and he screamed the whole time.   Then he started crying for "Sissy"  and she wasn't allowed back because she was a child.  That upset her.  But we came out and she held him.  But he was still crying.   We offered him juice and M&M's and those are his favorite things and he didn't want any of it.  He was just going to cry!
A couple of hours later he was doing better and happier.  
Thursday, we went to the mall, he played, and had a great time running around!
Friday, just stayed home and cleaned up, did laundry!  Very exciting, I know! =)

Friday, April 17, 2009


Easter was great, we had nice weather for the egg hunt!  Jeff cooked the pork and it was a HUGE hit!  Jack did very well finding eggs!  He loved it, then he found out that they opened and they had candy and stickers inside!!  He put stickers all over his sweater, and was asking Granny to open the candy bar.  

Friday, April 10, 2009

Spring Is Here!

The trees on our street are blooming and looking so pretty.   We went for a walk yesterday and I had to get a picture of these flowers on this tree.  So I made Samantha run in and get my camera.
I really love my new camera by the way!  I aslo know spring is here because my allergies are back!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Colonial Days 4th Grade

The Colonial Days where so much fun at Samantha's school.   The whole 4th grade hall was transformed, it was just like walking in Williamsburg!   Each classroom was a different building.
Samantha class was the quilt shop, so they split the class up in groups one group stayed in the classroom and quilted and the others got to go around to all the shops.   First stop was the bakery, where they got to taste some cookies.   They got to learn about how the bakery worked back then.  There was a Tavern, candle making shop, kids writing letters with feathers,  basket weaving, knitting.   I really liked the hallway they had made buildings out of paper, and had light posts outside of each class, that were lit up!
I didn't get to see the dace they did.  My mom did a great job on her dress, she received a ton of compliments on it.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Getting Ready for Easter!

I had no idea Easter was around the corner until on Friday I was looking at the Calendar.
I have a ton of things to do.  I did already get some stuff done.  I had to make treat bags for Samantha's class.  Make little goodie bags for her teachers. Fill eggs for the Egg Hunt at Sadie's house on Sunday, with all the kids!
Still need to make Bakerella's Cupcake pops (little chicks) is what I am going to attempt. They are SO CUTE!  Make deviled eggs, and help Jeff smoke some pork butts for Sunday. I hate it when he smokes stuff in the HUGE monster Smoker in the backyard, it makes such a MESS!  But always tastes really YUMMY.  On Friday I need to send in some cookies or cupcakes for Sam's class.  Then on Friday Samantha is having a friend spend the night and it is her birthday so we want to make cupcakes for her and have tons of fun!
Wow, makes me really tired just thinking about it.   

Today, was a gloomy day and poured rain at times, but I did take the kids to get their Easter Pictures done they turned out really good considering Jack didn't take much of a nap today.  
We did stop to see the Easter Bunny, but he wasn't having it and didn't want to get near him.  Samantha was holding him and she said his grasp is getting really tight.  So no picture with the bunny this year.  


Jack will be getting tubes, don't know what date yet they will call and set it up.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


I am thinking about tomorrow and that I am so happy that it is the day that Jack gets to see the ENT.   I feel so bad that he has had to wait a month with 2 ear inf. to see this Dr.  But everyone keeps telling me that is normal for this time of year, to wait up to 3 mo to get seen. 
I just am hoping the Dr. can put tubes in soon, so he can be well and a happier little boy.
This week with all going on, he has been extra fussy.  I can't even walk one foot away from him without him crying and pulling on me.

On another note: Samantha is having Colonial Day at school tomorrow, she gets to dance with a boy!  So before we go to the Dr. we are going to the school.  My mom made her a special dress, I will post some pictures.