Tomorrow is the first day of school. I don't feel ready at all. But it is here if I am ready or not. Samantha is ready, she has a very nice teacher. I just can't believe 5th grade is here already!
My H left today and will be back on Friday. So I get to do the whole first week alone.
I am sure I can handle it, but I am sure it will be crazy in the mornings with Jack.
We had a great trip to Colorado the Family reunion went great the weather was beautiful. It will not be one forgotten for sure with the Polka music. I took over 800 pictures. Now I just need to get them to everyone.
It was so great to see my BFF, I wish I could have hung out more with her. It was great to meet her little cutie pie! She was so nice and quite compared to Jack!
It is always wonderful to see a friend who knows how it was when you were little, and was there with you threw it all.
Sam and I got to see my sisters house, and to meet her huge dog, Vesta! She is just so big,
the photos don't give her size justice at all.
Sam and I also loved the Denver Zoo, it is so nice. The weather was great the day we went.
The Lion really liked Sam, it kept starring at her.