Sunday, June 27, 2010


it has been busy at our house. For the last 3 weeks my back has been hurting, on Monday I went to the chiropractor, and then a few more days. It seemed to be helping until yesterday, I don't know what I did but I am in a lot of pain again.
Something is wrong with Scooby he won't eat, I hope today he acts and is feeling better!

my sister is doing well, if baby Hannah doesn't arrive before July 8th she will get induced!

it is almost my mom's birthday, I need to get her gift in the mail.

The heat here has been awful to say the least. Every day it is in the upper 90's. Last week a friend lost her horse, she was only 3 years old. The vet that came to her barn said that that was the 4th horse under 5 that he had to put down that week because of the heat! So very sad.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

June 16, 2010

Just got back home from Samantha's 5th grade Graduation! We are very proud of her, this year was a hard year for her. She is excited about going to middle school next year! I am so glad that there is only one more day left of 5th grade! Jack got to stay home with daddy, he took the morning off so I could go to the school and not have to chase Jack around. There is no way he would have sat there, for an hour and a half. I could barley do it. My back it really hurting and sitting in the metal chair for that long didn't help a bit!
Today I am going to try and get the laundry done, yes it is a goal everyday!
The weather here is still REALLY HOT! it is in the upper 90's everyday! I am already ready for FALL!

Over the weekend we went to the Virginia Aquarium, we had a blast they had changed a ton of stuff since we had been there! We took Jack to see and I-Max, he did better than I thought he would, he wore the glasses most of the time!
I can't believe Father's Day is almost here. I have already mailed my dad's off, now just need to find something for my hubby!

We have started a list of things to do this summer! We are still adding to it!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

June 9, 2010

Jack and I are sitting on the couch watching OSO! Yesterday was a very long day. Jack woke up at 5, I did get alot done, but I am really tired. Jack is getting up 3 times a night for over a week. Yesterday I gave the dog a bath, made some returns to Lowes, cleaned out the car, Laundry, vacuumed!
I cannot believe this is June! School is almost out! Next week will be a really busy week with 5th grade graduation and class party! It is summer here! It will only be 94 today! It will be 107 on Sunday!
I am trying to figure out what to get my dad for Father's day. It is always a hard task!
Jack and I have a cold it hasn't wanted to leave us yet. I hope it does soon!