Sunday, April 22, 2012

We had a fun Saturday, it was hot, like summer!!  We went to a charity event for a good friend.  It was a plane pull for a WWII bomber, to raise money for adults with handicaps to have a place to live.  There are currently 300 on a waiting list right now to get into homes, with assisted living.

Jack of course enjoyed the big planes!  Both my kids started to fight and whine, I know they were hot.  Jack REFUSED to take off the batman costume, and Sam of course what hot with her back brace.

I didn't even know the museum existed, so we will be going back!

Last weekend we went to visit Papa and Mamaw it was really nice day too, I had been wanting to stop in Driver and take some pictures.  There was a tornado that hit there a few years ago. (Scary)

But I had wanted to get some photos by the old brick buildings!

Yes, I did tell Samantha next weekend she isn't wearing that shirt!!  LOL!