Jack has been sick again with a bad cold, I took him to the Dr. on Saturday morning. Today I think he is on his way to feeling better. His cough seems looser, and he got some good rest. He slept in until 10 am!!! That was a nice treat for me! Because I couldn't go to sleep last night with my H gone. It is always hard for me to go to sleep the first few nights he is gone. He will be gone for 2 weeks. So he will be back home just in time to celebrate Jack's 2nd Birthday! I did decide not to throw a huge party, It will just be us and grandparents. I will still order him a pooh cake, or I did think about making one. I just put Jack down for his nap, Sissy was going to read to him and said "Jack what book to you want me to read?" He answered "Ummmm, I don't know!" It was so funny. Right now he loves the book, I Love you Stinky Face. (very cute book)

On Friday Samantha got out her American Girls and dressed them.... Jack had to get in there and play too, it was so cute, he was trying to put on the shoes!
Plan for the week.... Scrapbooking!!
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