P.... Is for pumpkins! Last night Sam and I painted pumpkins after Jack was in bed. I miss doing crafts with her, even something little. It seems Jack just makes it so hard, to get anything done. But Sam and I had fun, even tho it was past her bed time I felt it was fine! I might let Jack paint one today, but not sure if I want to put myself threw the pain. He isn't going to listen to me so I might end up covered in paint myself, fighting with him.
I took the kids yesterday to get their pictures done in their Halloween costumes. It hit me that this is the last year that Sam will dress up to match Jack and she will probably be doing her own thing next year, and not wanting to hang out with Jack and I! On Tuesday after school we went and picked out pumpkins! It has been raining here the last couple of days, and I knew I wanted to go get them before Saturday, when it would be slim pickings!
Jess helped me decorate my mantel this year, she did a awesome job!! Her brain just thinks different than mine, so it is fun to see what she comes up with!
Jack has had a cold, last Sunday I took him to CHKD ER because I just didn't think he was doing good and moving enough air. He used the neb, but it he was still wheezing, so at 6:30am I took him after staying up with him all night and watching him breathe. It was nice there was no one there and they got us right back. His Oxygen in his blood level was 94, but would dip down to 91 some. They gave him 3 Albuterol treatments and oral prednisone. Then they sent us home, and he has been bouncing off the walls ever since!
Today I need to go to the post office and clean out my poor van!
Happy Thursday to all! I hope everyone has a wonderful day!
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